Throwback to Quincy – 2005

Written after attending a service at the Quincy Fellowship at Glad Tidings Church in Quincy MA (2005).  It was a long time ago, and foggy in my memory. The core of the congregation was from the West Indies, though there was a great mix of people of all backgrounds attending.  The evening was one of Colorful, Vibrant, Spirit-filled worship.

I am waiting in Your presence, Jehovah

Sometimes I have to stop and be still

Sometimes I have to turn myself around

Here I am; plant me for a while.  Let me see another side

Open my eyes and let me see Your love in a new light

Who’s is this that praises God Jehovah in a different way than I?

It is my sisters and brothers, born in a strange land 

With costumes and customs and harmonies so unlike my own.

But loving the same God

Saved by the same Savior

Worshipping the same Jesus.  I know them now.  All I need to know is the name of Jesus and I share love with them all…

When God says “Let there be”, there MUST BE.

When God said “Let there be light”, there was light and it was good. God saw to that.

When God said “Let there be blue sky”, there was water and sky and it was good.

When God said “Let there be dry ground and seas”,

The waters gathered and the ground appeared.  God. Good.

He spoke the world into existence

I don’t know how

But God Said “Let there be”, so there was…